Here are the top 10 rides on my list for every time I go to Calaway Park!
Calaway Park Ride Guide
Calaway Park Ride Guide
Adrenaline Test Zone
The Vortex
Pro Tip: Make sure to check out your pictures at the end and see the look on your face.
The Storm
The Wave Rider
Air Gliders
Pro Tip: If you are looking for a shorter line this ride is for you! Which colour car will you pick? I call it white!
The Dream Machine
Pro Tip: If you close your eyes on the swings it feels like you are suspended in the air. The sky’s the limit!
Bumper Boats
Pro Tip: Watch out for people on the bridge that use the water cannons if you don’t want to get extra wet!
Timber Falls
Pro Tip: Challenge your friends to make silly faces for the camera in the middle of the biggest drop and you’ll have the best picture of the summer.
Bonus Ride: Bumble Blast