Calgary International Film Festival
Calgary International Film Festival
A 10-day showcase of the year's must-see movies from around the world in-cinema and online.
May 21st, 2024
A Movie Lovers Guide
SEPTEMBER 18 - 28, 2025. Taking place in the heart of Calgary throughout Eau Claire, 8th Avenue SW and Contemporary Calgary, the Oscar qualifying festival showcases over 200 of the year’s most ground breaking and must see films from around the world.
Why Go
SEPTEMBER 18 - 28, 2025 Founded in 2000, CIFF is a not-for-profit charitable organization that brings films from around the world to Calgary for its annual fall festival and year-round programming. The Calgary International Film Festival (CIFF) is now the largest event of its kind in Alberta and the sixth-largest film festival in Canada, bringing audiences together for remarkable and engaging cinematic experiences. For ten days, the festival welcomes audiences to screenings in-cinema and at-home that showcases over 200 feature and short films. The festival has been a pillar of innovation, creativity and success, bringing once-in-a-lifetime experiences for all Calgarians year after year.
What's Great
CIFF also operates year-round to promote film and film culture including our Oscar-Nominated Shorts Weekend, film programming for exclusive early access to the most anticipated films of the year, and much more!
Local Tip:
More than just movies, CIFF also offers video game and music programming, along with events tailored to film industry professionals, at the fall festival.
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