How to River Surf in Calgary and Kananaskis

River surfing in Alberta
River surfing in Alberta
Surf's Up

How to River Surf in Calgary and Kananaskis

Learn why Calgary is becoming a hub for river surfing with some of the best waves to conquer in the world

Looking to try something new on your next trip?

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Man surfing in Kananaskis

River surfing in Kananaskis.

How about River Surfing?

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Man surfing in Alberta

Stand up paddle boarding in Kananaskis.

You read right - surfing exists in Alberta, and is growing in popularity every season!


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People surfing in Calgary

The 10th Street Wave is a popular river surfing spot in Calgary. 

River surfing is one of the world’s hottest emerging sports, and the Calgary area has some of the best waves to conquer.

Check out the Mountain Wave:


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People surfing in Calgary

The river surfing lineup in Calgary.

People surfing in Kananaskis

River surfing in Kananaskis.

Surf Anywhere is also championing the development of the wave near the 10th Street Bridge, where surfers gather after work on the west side of Downtown Calgary:

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Surfing in Calgary

Great views of river surfing in Calgary.

Surfing in Calgary

Catching a wave at the 10th Street Wave in Calgary.

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