National Aviation Weekend

National Aviation Weekend
National Aviation Weekend
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National Aviation Weekend

Starts February 22nd, 2025
Recurring daily
10:00:00 - 16:00:00
Ends February 23rd, 2025


National Aviation Day in Canada occurs on February 23 each year to celebrate the anniversary of the first powered flight in Canada with the Silver Dart. The Hangar Flight Museum is celebrating for a full weekend, with fun for the whole family. This year's event includes:

45min tours - for no additional cost! Tour schedule: 11:30AM and 2:00PM
15min presentations at 11AM, 12:30PM, 1:30PM and 3:00PM
Build a flying device!
Crossword puzzle with a prize for completion.

This is a perfect time to delve into aviation history, and learn about how flight has changed our world.

Event Categories
Museums, Galleries & Exhibitions