Arch Enemy Blood Dynasty '25
Arch Enemy Blood Dynasty '25
18:40:00 -
Ends April 23rd, 2025
Over the last quarter of a century, no band has flown the flag for balls-out, melody-stuffed heaviness with more vigour or dedication than Arch Enemy. In 2022, the bands brand new album, Deceivers, is destined to be this years most lethally effective cure for all ills. Increasingly unstoppable, not least since the recruitment of vocalist Alissa White-Gluz in 2014, Arch Enemy are about to remind the world what the real thing sounds like, with their 11th and most explosive album yet.
We achieved so much with those first two albums with Alissa, band founder and guitarist Michael Amott notes. Both Will To Power and War Eternal did so well for us. We just kept building and building and we didnt expect that. When Angela [Gossow, Arch Enemys iconic former vocalist] left the band initially, I thought the band would go down to some extent and we could slowly build it back up to where we were when she left. But instead, with Alissa, it just took off and became a whole new thing.
The wind billowing their sails and an ever-expanding audience of diehard fans, Arch Enemy arrive in 2022 in the finest of form. Written during 2020, Deceivers is another self-evident labour of heavy metal love, from a band with confidence coursing through every vein. As Michael observes, Arch Enemy have successfully negotiated the ups and downs of the Covid era and come out the other side armed with their most destructive piece of work yet.